Aging and Wellbeing

“Wellbeing is the balance point between an individual’s resource pool and the challenges faced.”

This definition represents wellbeing as a state of equilibrium, with a balance set-point. Think playground seesaw with challenges on one seat and resources on the other. More challenges this month means we need higher resources for balance.

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Wellbeing Checklight On?

October brings a rhythm unlike any other month, as though we’re still following our old school calendar, despite being long past the morning hustle of book bags and lunch sacks. We fall in line with the changing season, one foot in the warmth of summer freedom, the other in anticipation of cooler, darker days. Wellbeing is ever evolving, mimicking annual seasons and seasons of life.

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A Curious Couple

In the midst of an email reply, an older couple, perhaps a couple of decades older than me, is delightfully pouring over a newspaper at the next table as they read the current temperatures of favorite cities aloud. They’re swapping exclamations when they read that London was nearly 100º today.

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Lisa Hautly
Resolutions and My Year of Banality

How is it that Resolution is bold enough to think she can just waltz into the middle of my head and announce her arrival, like she fancies herself January royalty? Does she really think she can disrupt my banality with some noble life altering pronouncement?

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Lisa Hautly
The Stereo

Frank Sinatra, Dinah Washington, Herb Alpert, Chubby Checkers. Later, Elvis Presley, The Monkeys, and the soundtrack to The Graduate. Somewhat eclectic albums, probably due to the 11-year age difference and their contrasting music sources. Mom listened to pop radio, dad watched Ed Sullivan. Mom shopped record departments, dad talked of live bands. But both of them loved to dance, so they bought a Magnavox hi-fi stereo and gave it center stage in their small living room, where ironically, dancing beyond a soft shuffle caused the records to skip.

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A kitschy 61 miles

I walked 61 miles this month. I set this small, rather kitschy goal as a nod to my August birthday and to conclude the mourning period for the collapse of my 60th year grande finale European vacation hijacked by Covid19. My goal-setting bar is pretty low these days, so this little walkabout challenge is aligned with the triviality of my current status.

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